
I had the idea and pitched the concept of a cartoon-based Sketchy Knowledge of AI in 2018 when I was Head of Innovations at Nokia and working on a digital assistant for telecom operators. It caught the eye of the President of Bell Labs, Dr Marcus Weldon, who wittily signed a copy of one of the sketches. Bell Labs is the industrial research laboratory with nine Nobel Prizes.

Unfortunately, other priorities took over and I never really started it. With the advances of Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, and the public misunderstanding of how they work, and AI in general, brought the project back to mind. This was the driver for creating the Sketchy Knowledge of AI and releasing it for free. AI is not going away, it will impact all our lives. So we all need to know something about it. This led to the setting up of the AIU Academy.

AIU Academy was founded by John O'Hare based on his 30 years working at the forefront of learning and development

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