Sketch 22: Generative Adversarial Networks – GANs

Summary Limerick

To create, two foes unite,
a discriminator and generator fight,
one creates with zest,
the other critiques what's best,
they keep going, creating things that delight.

Mind Map

4tuitous Knowledge Network

Open AI

Henry Ajder

Animated Discussion

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What is the name of the Neural Network that looks at an image and decides whther it is real training data or a fake image?

What is the name of the Neural Network that creates fake images from training images?

In an anaology of how DCGANs work, there is a forger and a police detective. The forger plays the role of the...

In an anaology of how DCGANs work, there is a forger and a police detective. The police detective plays the role of the...

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